jl_032515JULILAND NEWS:  All in the game yo!  That is the “Juliland Universe” game.  We are super excited to add the sexy and sassy Nikki Next to our Juliland family with her brand new site iHeartNikki.com!  Nikki is not new to the industry, but is new to Juliland.  She dipped her toes into the adult world a little while ago, and has now decided to get real serious about having fun which is good for me and you!

She has worked with me a few times now and I can tell you Nikki is pretty special.  Crazy, funny, sexy, nasty and smart… MY kind of grrl.  I’m looking forward to the many shoots and fun to come.  Take the time, check her out and enjoy all that is Nikki Next. I know you will heart her just as much as everyone in the Juliland Universe.  You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @itsNikkiNext.

