Care to know how I do it?  Are you curious about my secrets?  Would you like to know what I think?  If you answered yes to all these questions, you’re in luck.  I am going start posting shooting tips for all you wanna-be photographers out there who follow my crazy life and me.  These will be simple and fun because I happen to not take things to seriously.

Let’s start one tip number one: BE PREPARED!  It’s NOT just for Boy Scouts.  When I know I’m going to shoot, I do everything I can to prepare for any situation.  I make sure my gear is working, my location is set, my grrl knows what the plan is, and most of all, that I have some great ideas in mind.  Communication is key to everything, and for me, it’s even more important when shooting.  If I can get on the same page as the grrl I’m photographing, then we’ll both win in the end.

Getting my “stuff” together is one thing, but I also need to be ready for anything and everything.  But regardless of how much I prepare, I’ll always try to leave room for magic.  And when something special happens, you need to be ready and just let it happen.  Too many photographers make the mistake of trying to control the situation and the talent.  Let it go and let it happen.  MY job is to capture what’s in front of me and to do my best to make it look good.  Being prepared on every level allows me to do that in an easy and fun way.
